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Once upon a time…
At the pinnacle of my career, in the midst of my engagement with my fiance and during the turmoil of my parents divorce, I was diagnosed with a life altering medical condition. From my perspective, it was the perfect storm.
This is when my awakening started!
I sat there in disbelief, the doctors wanting to do more invasive surgery, I couldn’t believe it, just then a voice welled up deep within me and yelled…. NO!!!
As my mouth involuntarily blurted out those two letters N O, the nurse and myself looked at each other in astonishment. I didn’t know where that voice came from and have spent the last 15-years exploring, evolving, healing, and discovering that the inner voice…. well, it was MY SOUL screaming out the TRUTH.

I’m sure you’ve heard many people say, “my entire life changed that day!” Well, it did for me in that moment. I left the doc’s office in complete bewilderment, having no idea what just happened. It was such a profound experience as if something or someone just took over my body and spoke through me. Everything in my life after that moment started to get disrupted in order for my true authentic higher self to awaken into being. My parents got divorced, my engagement ended in a break up, and I still had this precancerous condition to heal without surgery.
I had no time on my hands as I was working crazy hours in my new Fortune 100 company, executive position, with all these disruptions in my life to process all at the same time. Overwhelming is an understatement, it was a “manic” time in my life. Thankfully I was young with a lot of energy and I needed very little sleep.
Fortunately the awakening process guided me to two self healing approaches which contributed to my inner an outer healing. First, I was forced to explore the “Meaning of Life” and “What is Truth?” Through that my connection with a higher power, God, Spirit, the Creator, how ever you refer to it became a prevalent part of my life. I became a spiritual seeker, wanting to know what, how, and why am I here. I was guided to Yoga, Kabbalah, Astrology, Numerology and Meditation. All things that a jet setting corporate executive would never have time for nor be found doing. This was a tough transformation for me because I had a professional corporate reputation to keep up. It was my persona the world knew me by. I had to humble myself and take off this mask before I could heal myself physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Second, I was exposed to holistic and integrative healing and within a year of exploring various techniques such as acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine and so many other things, I finally prayed deeply for a physician to come into my life to help me sort this out as I had no idea what I was doing, and cancer is not something you want to gamble and play with. Shortly thereafter I found a physician who practices Osteopathy and within 1 – ½ years of his personalized protocol, I healed my precancerous condition and have had a clean bill of health for the last 15-years. I say “I” healed, because my doc was quick to point out that he didn’t heal me, he just supported me in providing my body what it needs to have optimal health and heal itself. The body is a self healing machine, and that’s exactly what happened.
As my doc who did the bi-annual cancer screening said, “I’m her miracle patient.” It wasn’t so much a miracle as it was an awakening to my inner self and having faith in, as well as trusting the guidance of my heart wisdom and intuition.
After the healing and a few other major personal, professional, and financially disruptive experiences in my life, I found myself in a place of deep gratitude and appreciation for this new person I’ve become. I found my priority became to help people through their own self healing journey in sorting out how to heal (w)holistically.
Most of my life I have been a high achiever in the corporate world having worked for prestigious global Fortune 100 companies to running my own successful natural products and wellness digital marketing agency. I, “this corporate executive” was not prepared for what was to come next. It was a very compromising position to be in, what are people going to think of me? Say about me? They’re going to think I’m a failure leaving the corporate world and being an entrepreneur in the natural health industry, which was still small at that time.
Of course, the physical healing was just the tip of the iceberg, then came the emotional, mental, and spiritual healing which drew me deeper into myself… who am I? What am I? I went from “what is life about and why am I here?” To “who am I?” The biggest, and most important question in life.
Shifting from the outer world exploration to the inner world self discovery process has been the most exciting and transformative experience of my life. Most of my personal and spiritual awakenings have been so profound I can’t even explain it in words. The extreme feeling and sensations in my heart and body of love, light, and knowings have been far beyond anything I could have imagined. The self discovery process is absolutely thrilling, more fascinating than exploring outer space, or the inner earth. Turning your search light inward sheds a light on the most miraculous creature on earth and in this universe, the divine self.
Wow, wow, wow! You haven’t experienced anything until you’ve experienced the divine self. The light of creation, the electric and ecstatic feeling of divine love and the exuberant elation and joy that permeates every cell in your body. These few words don’t even come close to expressing the magnitude of what can be experienced in your own personal spiritual awakening.
These deeply profound experiences from the inner journey come from continuing to deepen your heart awakening, surrendering fully to the transformation process, and allowing yourself to be guided by your hearts divine wisdom.
Through the hearts divine wisdom you open up to a world of wonder, and a life of magnificent ecstatic joy!
Life is an awakening journey of the heart, mind and body; enabling your true divine self, the soul, to shine through the density of matter bound consciousness to guide you to your oneness in all creation.
For many years I thought I was the only one on this journey, but within the last 5-years I’ve really experienced other professionals having their own awakening, just as profound as mine. I now have many clients making this transformational transition into their higher, true authentic self.
If this story resonates with you and you are somewhere in this process then allow me to support you in deepening your awakening heart wisdom so you can discover your true authentic self and live a life with purpose, peace, divine love and ecstatic joy.
Which brings me to you...
My personalized coaching programs awaken your connection with your true authentic self and the realization of the divinity within. I help accelerate your awakening journey and support YOU in living a more peaceful, harmonious, resilient and joyous life.