Discover your true authentic self!

Heavens Yes!

Discover your true authentic divinity!

Yes Please!

Personalized Coaching

In our one-on-one coaching calls, through scientific and divinely guided techniques you’ll, awaken your heart wisdom and ignite your Passion for Life!

I will teach you simple, practical tools and techniques to reduce your stress, increase your vitality, improve your health and well-being and Awaken your heart to the true divine love right within you. Personalized coaching and a focused practice plan will support you in meeting your personal objectives, no matter what they are.

I can help you to…

Discover What’s at Heart

Discover what’s at the heart of who you are and what you want most in your life.

Identify & Remove Blocks

Identify what blocks you from the life you want — your personal dreams, vision and goals.


Deepen Relationships

Deepen relationships and reduce the stress that results from miscommunication.

Improve Mental Clarity

Improve your mental capacity and solve problems more effectively with less wear and tear on you.

Awaken Divine Love

Uncover the love you are seeking, it’s right within you.


Express Creativity

Express creativity and out of the box thinking in your life.

Awakening Heart Wisdom Programs

Building Personal Resilience 

This is the entry point, the foundation of Awakening Your Heart Wisdom. In this 3-month, six 1-hour sessions program I will introduce you to simple, practical, techniques that can help you to deepen your heart connection, de-stress from challenging situations, big or small; as well as, build  personal resilience boosting your ability to take charge of your life.

You’ll learn to integrate into your life science-based techniques to change the way your body’s physiology responds in stressful situations and how to develop a state of inner ease in all of life’s moments.

Make a commitment to yourself to Awaken Your Heart Wisdom and experience the full expression of life in love, joy and happiness.

Program Includes:

  1. HeartMath Skills “Building Personal Resilience” 31-page guide
  2. Inner Balance App
  3. The HeartMath Experience online 90-minute program
  4. Six – 1-hour coaching sessions over a 3-month period
Program Investment:
$1,500 $999*

* Program includes six 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions over three months, scheduled at every two weeks to allow you to integrate the HeartMath practices. You’ll have access to Jenn via email inbetween sessions for sharing breakthroughs and asking questions. Payments can be divided into two or three payment installments. The Inner Balance sensor will need to be purchased separately.

Inner Balance Bluetooth from HeartMath
Six Heart Illuminations 

A level up, here is where we get more personal and get to the heart of things. In this 3-month, six 1-hour sessions program I will coach and guide you in deepening heart awakening and manifesting your hearts desires by tapping into the core of your intuition, uncovering your souls purpose and taking steps to fulfill your true purpose in life.

Level up your commitment to self love and experience the fullest expression of your highest self living as an embodiment of divine love, joy and happiness.

As an intuitive and guide, my highest purpose is to empower you to access your heart wisdom, discover your true authentic self, and illuminate your divine light. In this program you’ll discover and embody:

  • The Six Illuminations.
  • Access your higher self and divinity.
  • Dissolve away mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and heart burdens which hold you back. 
  • A 20-minute guided visualization meditation included in each 1-hour coaching session.  

Click here for full offering details.

Program Investment:
$1,500 $999*

* Program includes six 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions over three months, scheduled at every two weeks to allow you to integrate your awakening hearts divine wisdom. You’ll have access to Jenn via email in-between sessions for sharing breakthroughs and asking questions. Payments can be divided into two or three payment installments.

Heartfelt Praise...

jay rao
jay rao
November 30, 2023
Jennifer is genuine, sincere, kind, generous, and wonderful!! Her coaching is highly effective and her approach to balancing mind and heart is soooo needed in this crazy world. I recommend her highly and without reservation to anyone seeking to bring more meaning, joy, love, and harmony into their life and relationships. Thanks so much for your excellent coaching and for the work you are doing in the world. 🕉️🙏❤️
Kris S
Kris S
November 11, 2023
I recently had the privilege of attending the Six Heart Illuminations Group coaching program, facilitated by a remarkable professional, Jennifer Dickens, who specializes in heart math techniques. Her approach is nothing short of transformative. With a demeanor that is kind, loving, and non-judgmental, she creates an environment that fosters personal growth and spiritual connectedness. As someone who has been navigating through a myriad of crises and challenging situations, I found her guidance to be invaluable. Her extensive knowledge and empathetic listening skills helped me focus on what is truly important for my personal evolution. More importantly, the techniques she taught me have been a lifeline. They enabled me to calm my body and emotions, shifting my perspective from feeling stuck and hopeless to embracing healing and resilience. The practical skills and knowledge imparted by her have been instrumental in helping me navigate tough times. I have emerged not just unscathed but as a better version of myself. I now view life through a different lens, equipped with the confidence to cope with life's ups and downs with greater ease and grace. To anyone considering her sessions, my advice is to be open and willing, to do the work consistently, and not to give up. Over time, you will notice a positive change in yourself. This journey is one towards inner peace and strength, and it's well worth the commitment. I cannot recommend her highly enough to anyone seeking to improve their emotional well-being and develop a more profound connection with themselves. Her sessions are more than just learning; they are an empowering journey towards personal transformation.
Mitch Metcalf
Mitch Metcalf
November 10, 2023
Jennifer Dickens provides incredible insight and practical daily tools to help me unlock the wisdom and potential buried inside my heart. She is thoughtful, kind, patient, warm, empathetic and passionate. Most of all, she is clear and methodical. She teaches her students how to learn by doing. Extremely beneficial classes and workshops.
Hopi Marcum
Hopi Marcum
November 6, 2023
Highly encourage anyone to give the Six Heart Illumination group your time. It is not your usual experience and the results are very present and tangible. You are able to find new insights into any situation. An example to share, I was able to handle a large plumbing issue with clarity and calmness. Jennifer is a wonderful teacher and guide. She really listens and brings what the class requires. The work stays with you and develops more by the day. Most grateful.
Lexi Abdelaziz
Lexi Abdelaziz
May 1, 2023
I had such a meaningful experience working with Jennifer! She has such a warmth about her and creates a wonderful, safe space for inner work. Thank you for the work that you do, I can't wait to continue this journey!
Fiona McNaughton
Fiona McNaughton
February 28, 2022
Jennifer has been teaching me stress management and resilience coaching for nearly a year. I use the technique anywhere, anytime to help me feel peaceful, calm and give me resilience techniques in these extremely difficult times. I have MS - stress can cause a relapse and damage my walking permanently. Jennifer has been an extremely positive influence in my life and has helped me become more resilient to the stresses around me. I practice the stress management and resilience Jennifer has taught me for about 5 minutes at a time and sometimes a deeper 10 minute practice. It became an important part of my interview for a senior manager post – it gave me confidence and control and stopped me panicking. I practice what Jennifer taught me before and after I get my monthly hospital infusions. It has changed my life and I’m no longer scared about going for interviews, going to the hospital or dealing with other scary/stressful events. I also use it in my relationship with my husband and family – it has given me control and I no longer ‘fly off the handle’ and get upset which is dangerous for me. So it’s bought me more love in my life. I whole heartedly recommend Jenifer’s coaching. She is a superb, highly effective teacher and a genuinely good, caring, warm person who is helping so many people have a much happier and better quality life in these unprecedented times. Dr Fiona McNaughton
Melissa Breslow
Melissa Breslow
February 26, 2022
During the meditation Jennifer lead me through I felt my heart bursting open with love and light. It was months ago and I still feel a positive shift in my life. I feel more joyful and calm. 🙏☀️🙏

Jennifer is a kind and compassionate individual with great insight into human behavior, thoughts and emotions. She is a tremendous asset to my medical practice in offering HeartMath instruction on mindfulness and heart centered breathing. She has brought a wealth of knowledge to my patients in helping them achieve balance, calmness, peace and happiness. In addition to the workshops, she has hosted small group coaching sessions as well as private one on one coaching. I know many of my patients have benefited from her wisdom and insight. Thank you Jennifer.

Dr. Cynthia Thaik

Harvard-trained Cardiologist, Author of YOUR VIBRANT HEART, Medical Director at Holistic Healing Heart Center & Revitalize-U, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Healing Heart Center

We retained Jennifer Dickens to provide a Building Resilience & Wellbeing training for our internal Town Hall meeting. The resilience training complimented our Corporate Wellness initiative. Jennifer taught us the importance of resilience and three helpful strategies to practice daily for building and sustaining it. Jennifer is easy to work with and I found the three strategies to be highly effective. I recommend Jennifer for your upcoming stress management, resilience and well-being training needs.

Esther Newman
HR - The Wonderful Company

Esther Newman

Assistant Vice President Human Resources, The Wonderful Company

I truly enjoyed my journey through the Six Hearts Illumination group coaching program under Jenn's loving and nurturing guidance as she shared wisdom teachings of the heart and intuition along with guided visualizations and practical skills and coaching specific to each member but still applicable to the group as a whole.  In addition, it has been wonderfully healing to learn and grow with the other participants in this safe container facilitated by Jenn.  She exemplifies what she teaches -- compassionate, joyful, nonjudgmental, supportive and heart-focused while she lightheartedly reminds us of our divine nature having this human experience so we can courageously be, do and have what our hearts' desires.  I highly recommend her program!  

Helen Loo

Yoga Instructor

Thank you again for the lovely Heart Activation yesterday.  It really WAS what I needed!  I kept my awareness heart-focused for the remainder of the day and went off to sleep (and woke up this morning) with that focus. I have actually set my watch timer hourly to check in and re-focus on heart activation to keep this wonderful energy flowing.

Thanks again and much love!

Dr. Kyia

Integrative MD

I found the heart purification work with Jennifer to be perfect for how I was feeling. My heart was heavy due to the end of a relationship, and it was easy for me to get lost in the head, feeling like the thoughts may spin out of control at any moment. Sometimes I can be very hard and judgmental towards myself, and this heart purification was a beautiful reminder to come back to the heart and reconnect to the inner peace that is always present there. I was amazed how quickly things can change when you shift your attention to the heart. Feelings of contentment, lightness, and well-being were patiently waiting for me, but all the heaviness I was carrying around didn’t allow me to experience them. Jennifer is an amazing guide on this journey of the heart, and she has a way of putting you completely at ease so that you can go deeper into the process and release the negativity that weighs you down. I continue to redirect my awareness to the heart and do the heart purification as much as I can. Many thanks Jennifer!

Jason W.

Junion High School Teacher

The HeartMath coaching sessions with Jennifer have helped me understand how important it is to have my heart and brain work together in a coherent way. Each session started with the discovery of an issue I wanted to work on, and Jennifer masterfully helped me find the root of the issue, after which she gently guided me through one of the HeartMath meditations to help release the cause. It is way better than therapy and it’s much more effective than regular coaching sessions, because the HeartMath techniques, especially when guided, have you feel what is going on in a coherent way.

To experience peace and connect to your heart then work with Jennifer!

Lidewy Isings

Intuitive Life Coach and Nutritionist

I whole heartedly recommend Jenifer’s coaching. She is a superb, highly effective teacher and a genuinely good, caring, warm person who is helping so many people have a much happier and better quality life in these unprecedented times.

Jennifer has been teaching me stress management and resilience coaching for nearly a year. I use the practice every day as it’s an amazing technique. I use anywhere, anytime to reduce my stress and give me resilience techniques in these extremely difficult times. I have MS and am on an immunosuppressant so stress can cause a relapse and damage my walking permanently.

Jennifer has been an extremely positive influence in my life and has helped me become more resilient to the stresses around me. I practice the stress management and resilience Jennifer has taught me for about 5 minutes at a time and sometimes a deeper 10 minute practice. It became an important part of my interview for a senior manager post – it gave me confidence and control and stopped me panicking.

Dr. Fiona McNaughton

Director at TDCS Industries

Learning and doing the techniques together, your way of leading and pacing is gentle and perfect timing for me to really get into it. Also, repeating it is helpful especially with Freeze Frame which is a bit more complicated.

The 3rd session was so valuable since I just had a brush of challenge (with the road rage guy) and able to remember and use the technique. Not sure if I can do it every time I encounter a challenge, but it seems more in my everyday conscious attitude.

I hope to progress as time goes by so I can enjoy coherent life rather than chaotic life I had lead for so many years!! Thank you my dear!!!

Mihoko Tokoro

Translation Services

I’m ready to commit to my magnificence and experience divine love!

Awakening divine love in all hearts!


- Jennifer Dickens

May Thy love conjure my love to love all with Thy love.


- Paramahansa Yogananda

I am seeking | I am striving | I am in it with all my heart!


- Vincent Van Gogh

Through an open heart one hears the universe.


- Ram Dass

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God


(Matthew 5:8)

Every life has its challenge. Every heart has an answer!


- HeartMath Institute

Heart is what separates the good from the great!


- Michael Jordan

HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks go to

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Jennifer Dickens

Ready to Get Started?

You have taken the first step in committing to your magnificence and experiencing the wonderment of Awakening Your Heart Wisdom! Enter your name and email address and I will contact you to schedule your FREE 20-minute consultation. Thanks and be well, Jennifer

Thank you for signing up for your FREE consultation and 25% OFF first session. I will be in touch soon to schedule you. Be well, Jennifer

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Stress & Wellbeing Assessment

Sign Up for your Stress & Wellbeing Assessment

HeartMath Institute developed this assessment to help people more fully understand how specific aspects of stress, well-being and resilience affect the quality of your life.


You have successfully signed up for your assessment. Jennifer Dickens will email you your assessment link within 24-hours, if you have not received your link by then, please email her at or call at 310-418-3855. With heart, Jennifer