The Science of HeartMath®
For centuries the world’s greatest teachers and ancient sages have been advising us to follow our heart. Ancient Hindu spiritual science talks of the divine heart wisdom, purification of the heart, and the 5-states of the heart. In Swami Sri Yukteswar’s book The Holy Science, he explains the five states of the human heart: dark, propelled, steady, devoted and clean and how we must as human’s evolve through these 5-states to achieve a clean heart, at which point man manifests the spiritual light as the son of God and can at this point enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Modern scientists have learned a great deal more about the hearts independent and intelligent functions. New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life. HeartMath Institute research suggests the heart also is an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live our lives with more balance, greater creativity and enhanced intuitive capacities. All of these are important for increasing personal effectiveness, improving health and relationships and achieving greater fulllment.
The heart has been considered the source of emotion, courage and wisdom for centuries. For more than 28 years, the HeartMath Institute Research Center has explored the physiological mechanisms by which the heart and brain communicate and how the activity of the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.
HeartMath products, tools and techniques are based on over 28 years of scientific research conducted at the HeartMath Institute on the psychophysiology of stress, emotions, and the interactions between the heart and brain. There are over 300 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes that have been published.

Attributes of Heart Intelligence
“Picture heart intelligence as the flow of awareness, understanding, and intuitive guidance we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. This intelligence steps down the power of love from universal source into our life’s interactions in practical, approachable ways which inform us of a straighter path to our fulfillment.”
– Doc Childre
Unlock a more joyful, peaceful, and confident you!
HeartMath Inner Balance Coherence Plus
Sensor + App
Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback helps you access a healthy and high-performance state called heart coherencewhich balances your mind and emotions. This helps prevent stress and clears your thinking for more effective choices.
HeartMath Techniques help you…
Increase Resilience
Increase resilience, vitality and feel better more often.
Create Inner Ease
Recognize and disengage from the negative impact stress has on your body and mind.
Gain Clarity & Purpose
Achieve clearer perspectives in difficult situations. Revitalizing relationships.
Restore Health
Restore nervous system health and balance the mind, heart and emotions.
Awakening Divine Love
Uncover the love you are seeking, it’s right within you.
Self Exploration
Understand the relationship between emotions, stress, performance and health.
Get Your Free Consult today!
Private Coaching:
Group Coaching:
Heartfelt Praise...
Jennifer is a kind and compassionate individual with great insight into human behavior, thoughts and emotions. She is a tremendous asset to my medical practice in offering HeartMath instruction on mindfulness and heart centered breathing. She has brought a wealth of knowledge to my patients in helping them achieve balance, calmness, peace and happiness. In addition to the workshops, she has hosted small group coaching sessions as well as private one on one coaching. I know many of my patients have benefited from her wisdom and insight. Thank you Jennifer.
We retained Jennifer Dickens to provide a Building Resilience & Wellbeing training for our internal Town Hall meeting. The resilience training complimented our Corporate Wellness initiative. Jennifer taught us the importance of resilience and three helpful strategies to practice daily for building and sustaining it. Jennifer is easy to work with and I found the three strategies to be highly effective. I recommend Jennifer for your upcoming stress management, resilience and well-being training needs.
Esther Newman
HR - The Wonderful Company
I truly enjoyed my journey through the Six Hearts Illumination group coaching program under Jenn's loving and nurturing guidance as she shared wisdom teachings of the heart and intuition along with guided visualizations and practical skills and coaching specific to each member but still applicable to the group as a whole. In addition, it has been wonderfully healing to learn and grow with the other participants in this safe container facilitated by Jenn. She exemplifies what she teaches -- compassionate, joyful, nonjudgmental, supportive and heart-focused while she lightheartedly reminds us of our divine nature having this human experience so we can courageously be, do and have what our hearts' desires. I highly recommend her program!
Thank you again for the lovely Heart Activation yesterday. It really WAS what I needed! I kept my awareness heart-focused for the remainder of the day and went off to sleep (and woke up this morning) with that focus. I have actually set my watch timer hourly to check in and re-focus on heart activation to keep this wonderful energy flowing.
Thanks again and much love!
I found the heart purification work with Jennifer to be perfect for how I was feeling. My heart was heavy due to the end of a relationship, and it was easy for me to get lost in the head, feeling like the thoughts may spin out of control at any moment. Sometimes I can be very hard and judgmental towards myself, and this heart purification was a beautiful reminder to come back to the heart and reconnect to the inner peace that is always present there. I was amazed how quickly things can change when you shift your attention to the heart. Feelings of contentment, lightness, and well-being were patiently waiting for me, but all the heaviness I was carrying around didn’t allow me to experience them. Jennifer is an amazing guide on this journey of the heart, and she has a way of putting you completely at ease so that you can go deeper into the process and release the negativity that weighs you down. I continue to redirect my awareness to the heart and do the heart purification as much as I can. Many thanks Jennifer!
The HeartMath coaching sessions with Jennifer have helped me understand how important it is to have my heart and brain work together in a coherent way. Each session started with the discovery of an issue I wanted to work on, and Jennifer masterfully helped me find the root of the issue, after which she gently guided me through one of the HeartMath meditations to help release the cause. It is way better than therapy and it’s much more effective than regular coaching sessions, because the HeartMath techniques, especially when guided, have you feel what is going on in a coherent way.
To experience peace and connect to your heart then work with Jennifer!
I whole heartedly recommend Jenifer’s coaching. She is a superb, highly effective teacher and a genuinely good, caring, warm person who is helping so many people have a much happier and better quality life in these unprecedented times.
Jennifer has been teaching me stress management and resilience coaching for nearly a year. I use the practice every day as it’s an amazing technique. I use anywhere, anytime to reduce my stress and give me resilience techniques in these extremely difficult times. I have MS and am on an immunosuppressant so stress can cause a relapse and damage my walking permanently.
Jennifer has been an extremely positive influence in my life and has helped me become more resilient to the stresses around me. I practice the stress management and resilience Jennifer has taught me for about 5 minutes at a time and sometimes a deeper 10 minute practice. It became an important part of my interview for a senior manager post – it gave me confidence and control and stopped me panicking.
Learning and doing the techniques together, your way of leading and pacing is gentle and perfect timing for me to really get into it. Also, repeating it is helpful especially with Freeze Frame which is a bit more complicated.
The 3rd session was so valuable since I just had a brush of challenge (with the road rage guy) and able to remember and use the technique. Not sure if I can do it every time I encounter a challenge, but it seems more in my everyday conscious attitude.
I hope to progress as time goes by so I can enjoy coherent life rather than chaotic life I had lead for so many years!! Thank you my dear!!!