Awakening Heart Wisdom

Awakening Heart Wisdom

My recent Heart Activation talk presented to the participants of The Journey experience for the Metaphysical Center of New Jersey. In this talk I share practical and metaphysical practices to start awakening and opening to your authentic heart...
The Science of Compassion

The Science of Compassion

While science has made great strides in treating pathologies of the human mind, far less research exists on positive qualities of the human mind including compassion, altruism and empathy. Yet these prosocial traits are innate to us and lie at the very centerpiece of...

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Jennifer Dickens

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You have taken the first step in committing to your magnificence and experiencing the wonderment of Awakening Your Heart Wisdom! Enter your name and email address and I will contact you to schedule your FREE 20-minute consultation. Thanks and be well, Jennifer

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Stress & Wellbeing Assessment

Sign Up for your Stress & Wellbeing Assessment

HeartMath Institute developed this assessment to help people more fully understand how specific aspects of stress, well-being and resilience affect the quality of your life.


You have successfully signed up for your assessment. Jennifer Dickens will email you your assessment link within 24-hours, if you have not received your link by then, please email her at or call at 310-418-3855. With heart, Jennifer