Most spiritual-religious faiths view compassion as one of the highest virtues.
Yoga aims at physical, mental and spiritual purification, with a compassionate mind and spirit being one of its most important goals. Various asanas and mudras are combined with meditation and self-reflection exercises to cultivate compassion. Click here to listen to a beautiful compassion mantra performed by Deva Premal OM MANI PADMI HUM
One of the most loving and compassionate beings in our lifetime is Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma, or Mother, for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally.
Throughout her life, Mata Amritanandamayi has embraced and comforted more than 34 million people. Amma inspires, uplifts, and transforms through her embrace, her spiritual wisdom and through her global charities, known as Embracing the World.® When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people, she answers: “Where there is true love, anything is effortless.”
Amma will be here in Los Angeles at the LAX Hilton on her North American Tour on June 16 – 18, 2019. A group of us will be going to get our embrace and blessing from Amma on the 16th and have one spot left in the car for anyone else who would like to join us. For tour details visit: Amma North American Tour.
For the buddhist, compassion is a mind that is motivated by cherishing other living beings and wishes to release them from their suffering. “Our compassion is our Buddha seed or Buddha nature, our potential to become a Buddha. It is because all living beings possess this seed that they will all eventually become Buddhas.”
Jesus embodies for Christians, the very essence of compassion and relational care. Christ challenges Christians to forsake their own desires and to act compassionately towards others, particularly those in need or distress. Conversely, a 2012 study of the historical Jesus has claimed that the founder of Christianity sought to elevate Judaic compassion as the supreme human virtue, capable of reducing suffering and fulfilling our God-ordained purpose of transforming the world into something more worthy of its creator.
In the Jewish tradition, God is the Compassionate and is invoked as the Father of Compassion: hence Raḥmana or Compassionate becomes the usual designation for His revealed word.
In the Muslim tradition, foremost among God’s attributes are mercy and compassion or, in the canonical language of Arabic, Rahman and Rahim. Each of the 114 chapters of the Quran, with one exception, begins with the verse, “In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful.”
“Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate.”
— Qur’an, [Quran 9:128]
Does this world need a spiritual awakening, an awakening of the heart to it’s innate compassion? Modern day and spiritual science conclude, YES, a more compassionate humanity is what will save humanity from itself.
Awaken Your Hearts Compassionate Wisdom!
Experience the deeper joy in your heart.